What grade of stainless steel does Bob's Muffler use
in its exhaust systems, and why?
There are two primary categories of stainless steel tubing used in automotive
exhaust systems: 300 series and 400 series. 400 series stainless is commonly
used by Bob's Muffler for exhaust because it handles heat cycling better than
the 300 series. 300 series stainless becomes brittle after constant heating and
cooling (which is exactly what an exhaust system does) especially in areas that
incorporate welds. The issue of heat cycling is of great importance, especially
in a heavy-duty application that will endure greater levels of heat than other
automotive applications. Not only is 300 series stainless a poorer choice for
exhaust systems, it is also more expensive and would unnecessarily increase the
price of an exhaust system. 400 series stainless is not as pretty as 300 series
and will have a brownish hue to it, due to the fact that it has a higher carbon
content than 300 series. This means the 300 series stainless will polish up
better for appearance. The carbon content in 400 series also makes it magnetic,
unlike 300 series, which is a simple test to determine which series you’re
dealing with. Fortunately, 400 series will handle temperatures of up to 2000
degrees without any deterioration, making it very suitable for use in exhaust
systems. At Bob's Muffler we offer both 300 series and 400 series stainless, for all our high performance
mandrel bent exhaust systems.
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